The Number One Question I'm Asked by Hundreds of Coaches
How do I price my coaching?
Ultimately, people aren't paying for coaching.
I don't mean that they don't value it, or that they're not buying coaching. But most coaches get wrapped up in how much to charge per session or block of sessions.
What people are buying is RESULTS. So Price Your Results.
What are the results you provide your clients?
Do they:
- Feel better?
- Make more money?
- Improve relationships?
All of those sound nice, but what do they MEAN? Look at the "why" behind each one.
- Feel better = sleep soundly for 6+ hours, waking up refreshed and smiling
- Make more money = Finally be able to go on a week-long Behamas trip with their best friends and buy dinner for everyone without hesitating or wondering whether they have enough in the bank
- Improve relationships = Have a family dinner with the kids voluntarily sharing about the turtle they saw on the way to school, everyone asking politely for each other to pass the salt, and not one incident of yelling or nagging
What's it WORTH to have six hours of uninterrupted, restful sleep?
What's it WORTH to be the generous friend who buys the big group dinner with confidence?
What's it WORTH to have peace at the dinner table?
I hear from coaches who reconcile families together and avoid divorce court who say, "I think I charge too much."
I hear from executive function coaches who help high school students get into college who say, "I think I charge too much." What's it worth to avoid divorce? To get into college? These things completely change the trajectory of someone's LIFE. How much did they save on skipping lawyers for divorce court? How much more money will they make over the course of their lives after going to college?
THAT is what you are out there doing, coach friends.
And we forget that sometimes.
Keep focused on the gifts you help clients get for themselves. That will help determine your pricing.
And THAT is what you need to be talking about in your sales conversations. After all, for example, what's $7k spent on coaching vs. $30k in divorce court?
This is where testimonials come in. Start asking your clients about results they got (especially results outside of their expectations - because as we all know, it's all related, and career coaching may have caused a breakthrough in fitness, etc.). Start sharing these, especially with prospective clients.
Price for your results.
Stay tuned for our second installment in this series: Price Your Coaching Format
Price Your Coaching Series
4. Price Your Market & Competitors